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Suggested readings

Seasonal School Issues on China: Innovation, Society, and Culture

In preparation for the upcoming Seasonal School on China, we are collecting all the suggested readings kindly shared by our lecturers and institutional speakers.

The readings are available for the Seasonal School on China students only. To access them, please request the link to Fabiana De Carlo at 

Please note that the list of readings is constantly updating.

Chinese Language

  • Basic Chinese Language

November 9 

Meeting between Asia and Italy: the gaze of diplomacy

Stefano Beltrame - Head of the Training Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Consul-General of Italy in Shanghai

  • S. Beltrame, 'Breve storia degli italiani in Cina', Luiss University Press

The diplomatic dialogue between China and Italy: comparing experiences

Davide Giglio - Minister Plenipotentiary - Representative of Italian, Economic, Commercial and Cultural Promotion Office in Taipei

  • Italia - Taiwan 1950-2020 - IETCPO, Stefano Pelaggi
  • Overview degli affari correnti a Taiwan

Giuditta Giorgio - Counselor in the Foreign Minister's Cabinet 

  • A list of online sources on the topic "Ruolo della Cina nell'ordine mondiale: dal G20 di Seoul ad oggi"

50 years of China Italy diplomatic relations

  • F. Fasulo, 'Relazioni Italia Cina', 2020;

November 10

USA vs China: a new cold war?

Filippo Fasulo - Italy China Foundation's Centre on Business Research

  • H. Clinton, 'America's Pacific Century', 2011;
  • United States Strategic Approach to the People's Republic of China;
  • J. Biden Jr., 'Why America Must Lead Again', March/April 2020;

Europe vis à vis China: how to deal with a systemic rival 

Filippo Fasulo - Italy China Foundation's Centre on Business Research

  • Federation of German Industries, 'Partner and Systemic Competitor - How do we deal with China's State-Controlled Economy?', January 2019;
  • European Commission, 'EU-China. A Strategic Outlook', March 2019;
  • F. Fasulo, 'Europa, Cina, Italia', 2020;

Alessandro Zadro - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies & Cercius Group

Articles on different aspects of the Chinese economic and political system extrapolated from several Cercius Insights Issues:

  • Economics, Finance, and Miscellaneous:
    The first part of the trade deal: looking ahead
  • Ideas and propaganda amidst the Covid-19:
    The "War on the pandemic", the war on ideas and the propaganda system
  • Politics of the Party-State:
    Waking up outside the red chamber: Li Keqiang's move. 

November 11

Federico Antonelli - Chinese Law Professor at Roma Tre University

  • F. Antonelli, "Il sistema giudiziario cinese," Mondo Cinese, 2011, Vol. 145
  • Intervista a Federico Antonelli a cura di Renzo Cavalieri per il volume "Codice cinese. Xi e il governo della legge", Mondo cinese

Giuseppe Martinico - Professor at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

The legal aspect of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

  • Heng Wang, "China's Approach to the Belt and Road Initiative: Scope, Character and Sustainability", Journal of International Economic Law, 2019, 22, 29-55
  • G. Martinico, "Aspetti giuridici della Belt and Road Initiative", 2020;

Judicial Local Protectionism - The Chinese IP System

  • Y. Zhang, A. Crupi, A. Di Minin "Pursuing justice or protecting local firms? Shenzhen courts move beyond judicial local protectionism", R&D Management, 2020
  • Liu Wei: How did MNEs obtain strategic resources through R&D internationalization - The Changans' example. 

November 12

Characters and trends of Chinese tourism

Nicola Bellini - Professor at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

  • N. Bellini. 'Why Chinese tourism matters?', 2020

Reinventing tourism destinations in China: The impact of Covid-19

Marco Bonaglia - Ph.D. Candidate, Chongqing University 

  • Bonaglia M. (2020), Western China Tourism Series - The Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor,

  • Bonaglia M. (2020), Chongqing-Guang'an regional cooperation in the field of red tourism,

  • Bonaglia M. (2020), Red tourism in China and Chongqing "red spirit",

Alberto Bradanini - Head of Centro Studi sulla Cina Contemporanea & Former Ambassador of Italy to Beijing

  • A. Bradanini, 'La Belt and Road Initiative', 2019;
  • A. Bradanini, 'La caduta del Muro di Berlino: implicazioni politiche e ideologiche';
  • A. Bradanini, 'Le relazioni Italia/UE-Cina', 2019 

November 13

Technological challenges in tourism: WeChat and beyond

Paola Pacchiara - Country Manager at EuroPass

  • P. Pacchiara, 'Mercato Cinese. Piano di Recovery Europeo', 2020;

Conclusive panel discussion on innovation in China

  • A. Apicella, 'Sino-Italian cooperation strategies between Industry and Academy in the advanced biomedical field of 3D printed customized orthopaedic and dental systems', 2020;
  • F. Grillo, 'Innovation policy: lessons from China', 2020;
  • F. Spigarelli, 'The Healthcare industry and innovation in China', 2020;